Monday, April 30, 2007

a boat

Sea Wind
by Tom Paulin


Nanana said...

All these pics of boats on lakes reminded me of "The Swallows and the Amazons" series of books (for children, but let than not deter adults), by an old Brit author called Arthur Ransome. Based on adventures in Lake District, England.

Katherine Dolan said...

Hi Rick

Thanks very much for the posts and the taste of Mumbai. I'm planning to look for Shantaram and The Swallows and the Amazons out from the library next time I go.

You seem erudite! Are there any contemporary writers you can recommend? Here are five of my favourite books/authors (mostly not new) definitely worth reading:

A Confederacy of Dunces
Pleasant Hell
James Herriot
It's Me, Eddie

Kay Cooke said...

A blue boat with a little pea-green wash! Love it!