Sunday, March 25, 2007

Weird Ancient Greek Bits


"Now must men get drunk and drink with all their strength, since Myrsilus has died."
"Dionysus, Eater of raw flesh"

"I want neither the honey nor the bee" [mite moi meli mite melissa]
"Money is the man, and no poor man is good or honourable." attr. to Aristodemus

Aelian Historical Miscellanies:
"Phaon, the most beautiful of mortals, was hidden by Aphrodite among lettuces"


Kay Cooke said...

Hidden among the lettuces - sounds delicious! I love it.
(So does Melissa mean honey or bee? How interesting.)

lampad said...

Melissa is the word for honey bee (so I guess meli is honey).

I got the following from Wikipedia:

In Greek mythology Melissa was a forest nymph that saved Zeus from his father, Cronus. She hid him in the hills and fed him milk from Amalthea and honey. When Cronus discovered this, he turned her into a worm, but Zeus, in gratitude, changed her into a queen bee.